API Benchmark


The OncoKB Development team has conducted API performance tests to identify optimization opportunities and collect key metrics for evaluating overall API capabilities. You’ll find key performance indicators such as response times, throughput, and resource utilization across different endpoints.

Annotate Mutation by HGVS


This test aims to determine the performance of the annotate/mutations/byHGVSg endpoint given that the variants have been annotated and cached by Genome Nexus.


We have chosen the following studies for benchmarking:

  1. Whole Exome Sequencing Dataset: UCSC Xena: Simple Somatic Mutation (SNVs and indels) - Consensus Coding Mutations

    • 441,309 variants across 2,756 samples

  2. Whole Genome Sequencing Dataset: UCSC Xena: Simple Somatic Mutation (SNVs and indels) - Whole Genome Mutations (Non-US Specimens)

    • 23,159,591 variants across 1,950 samples

Services Setup

These tests will be conducted by replicating the production setup. All configurations can be found here.

Test Setup

We will be using Locust.io to write our performance tests.

As a prerequisite, all variants from WES and WGS datasets have been annotated (and cached in Genome Nexus) prior to benchmarking OncoKB HGVSg endpoint.

Running Tests
from locust import HttpUser, task, events
import time

# Data to annotate for test
variants_list = []
with open("wgs.txt", "r") as data_file:
    variants_list = [{"hgvsg": row.strip()} for row in data_file
variant_batches = list(chunk_variants(variants_list))

# Global variables to track total time and batches
start_time = None
total_batches = len(variant_batches)
completed_batches = 0

# Batch the WES/WGS dataset into chunks of 100 variants
def chunk_variants(variants, chunk_size=100):
    for i in range(0, len(variants), chunk_size):
        yield variants[i:i + chunk_size]
# Locust test on start listener
def on_test_start(environment, **kwargs):
    global start_time
    start_time = time.time()
# When test stops, then print out how long it took
def on_test_stop(environment, **kwargs):
    end_time = time.time()
    total_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f"Total time to process {total_batches * 100} variants: {total_time:.2f} seconds")

class OncoKBUser(HttpUser):
    def sendRequest(self):
        global completed_batches
        if completed_batches < total_batches:
            batch = variant_batches[completed_batches]
            # Send POST request with Authorization header
            response = self.client.post(
                headers={"Content-Type": "application/json","Authorization": "Bearer <token>"},
                data=json.dumps(batch), timeout=600000
            # Track batch completion
            completed_batches += 1
            # Check response time for each request
            print(f"Request {completed_batches}/{total_batches} completed in {response.elapsed.total_seconds()} seconds")
from locust import HttpUser, task, events
import time

# Data to annotate for test
variants_list = []
with open("wgs.txt", "r") as data_file:
    variants_list = [{"hgvsg": row.strip()} for row in data_file
variant_batches = list(chunk_variants(variants_list))

# Global variables to track total time and batches
start_time = None
total_batches = len(variant_batches)
completed_batches = 0
lock = Lock()
active_users = 0

# Batch the WES/WGS dataset into chunks of 100 variants
def chunk_variants(variants, chunk_size=100):
    for i in range(0, len(variants), chunk_size):
        yield variants[i:i + chunk_size]
# Locust test on start listener
def on_test_start(environment, **kwargs):
    global start_time
    global active_users
    # Initialize active user count with the number of users in the test
    active_users = environment.runner.user_count
    start_time = time.time()
# When test stops, then print out how long it took
def on_test_stop(environment, **kwargs):
    end_time = time.time()
    total_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f"Total time to process {total_batches * 100} variants: {total_time:.2f} seconds")

class OncoKBUser(HttpUser):
    def get_next_batch(self):
        global completed_batches
        with lock:
            if completed_batches < total_batches:
                batch = variant_batches[completed_batches]
                completed_batches += 1
                return batch
                return None  # No more batches available

    def send5Threads(self):
        batch = self.get_next_batch()
        if batch is None:
            global active_users
            with lock:
                active_users -= 1  # Mark the user as finished

                # If all users are done processing, stop the test
                if active_users < 0:
                    print("All users finished processing. Stopping test.")
                    self.environment.runner.quit()  # Stop the entire test
        response = self.client.post(
            headers={"Content-Type": "application/json","Authorization": "Bearer <token>"},
        print(f"Request {completed_batches}/{total_batches} completed in {response.elapsed.total_seconds()} seconds")
$ locust -f <file_name>.py --run-time 24h --host=https://www.oncokb.dev.aws.mskcc.org

Performance Benchmark Results

Test 1: How long does it take to annotate each study using a single thread?

Redis caching was disabled for this test. Each thread was ran sequentially until the entire dataset was annotated.

Annotate 1 thread containing a POST request with 100 variants.

WES Dataset:

441,309 variants: 835 seconds or 14 minutes (528 variants/second)

WGS Dataset:

23,159,591 variants: 17,508seconds or 4hrs 52mins (1,322 variants/second)

Test 2: Do we gain a performance boost using 5 threads instead of 1?

Redis caching was disabled for this test.

Annotate up to 5 threads concurrently, each executing a POST request containing 100 variants.

WES Dataset:

441,309 variants: 151 seconds or 2.51minutes (2,922 variants/second)

WGS Dataset:

23,159,591 variants: 3,482seconds or 58mins (6,652 variants/second)

Increasing the number of threads to five boosted the throughput, allowing for a fivefold increase in the number of variants annotated per second.

Last updated

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