Annotates variants in MAF with OncoKB™ annotation. Supports both python2 and python3. A Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) file is a tab-delimited text file that lists mutations. MAFAnnotator annotated genes from MAF file by OncoKB™ Level of Evidences rules.
When you run, and, you need a token before accessing the OncoKB™ data via its web API. Please visit OncoKB™ Data Access Page for more information about how to register an account and get an OncoKB™ API token.
With the token listed under OncoKB™ Account Settings Page, you could use it in the following format.
When you type python -h in terminal, you can see all Python command parameters as below. -i <input MAF file>, -o <output MAF file> and-b oncokb_api_bear_token are required.<inputMAFfile>-o<outputMAFfile> [-p previousresults] [-c <inputclinicalfile>] [-s samplelistfilter] [-t <defaulttumortype>] [-u oncokb-base-url] [-b oncokb_api_bear_token] [-a]EssentialMAFcolumns (case insensitive):HUGO_SYMBOL:HugogenesymbolVARIANT_CLASSIFICATION:TranslationaleffectofvariantalleleTUMOR_SAMPLE_BARCODE:sampleIDAMINO_ACID_CHANGE:aminoacidchangePROTEIN_START:proteinstartPROTEIN_END:proteinendPROTEIN_POSITION:canbeusedinsteadofPROTEIN_STARTandPROTEIN_END (in theoutputofvcf2map)Essentialclinicalcolumns:SAMPLE_ID:sampleIDONCOTREE_CODE:tumortypecodefromoncotree ( ONCOTREE_CODE in clinical data file2) ONCOTREE_CODE exist in MAF3) default tumor type (-t)DefaultOncoKB™baseurlis
Fusion Annotator
When you type python -h in terminal, you can see all Python command parameters as below. The required parameters is the same with MAF Annotator.<inputFusionfile>-o<outputFusionfile> [-p previousresults] [-c <inputclinicalfile>] [-s samplelistfilter] [-t <defaulttumortype>] [-u oncokb-base-url] [-b oncokb_api_bear_token]EssentialFusioncolumns (case insensitive):HUGO_SYMBOL:HugogenesymbolVARIANT_CLASSIFICATION:TranslationaleffectofvariantalleleTUMOR_SAMPLE_BARCODE:sampleIDFUSION:aminoacidchange,e.g."TMPRSS2-ERG fusion"Essentialclinicalcolumns:SAMPLE_ID:sampleIDONCOTREE_CODE:tumortypecodefromoncotree ( ONCOTREE_CODE in clinical data file2) ONCOTREE_CODE exist in Fusion3) default tumor type (-t)DefaultOncoKB™baseurlis
CNA Annotator
When you type python -h in terminal, you can see all Python command parameters as below. The required parameters is the same with MAF Annotator.<inputCNAfile>-o<outputCNAfile> [-p previousresults] [-c <inputclinicalfile>] [-s samplelistfilter] [-t <defaulttumortype>] [-u oncokb-base-url] [-b oncokb_api_bear_token]InputCNAfileshouldfollowtheGISTICoutput ( ONCOTREE_CODE in clinical data file2) ONCOTREE_CODE exist in MAF3) default tumor type (-t)DefaultOncoKB™baseurlis
Clinical Data Annotator
When you type python -h in terminal, you can see all Python command parameters as below. -i <input clinical file>, -o <output clinical file> and-a <annotated alteration files, separate by ,> are required.
When you type python -h in terminal, you can see all Python command parameters as below. -i <input clinical file> and -o <output clinical file> are required.<annotatedclinicalfile>-o<outputPDFfile> [-c <categorizationcolumn,e.g.CANCER_TYPE>] [-s samplelistfilter] [-n thresholdof# samples in a category] [-l comma separated levels to include]Essentialclinicalcolumns:SAMPLE_ID:sampleIDHIGHEST_LEVEL:HighestOncoKBlevelsSupportedlevels (-l): LEVEL_1,LEVEL_2,LEVEL_3A,LEVEL_3B,LEVEL_4,ONCOGENIC,VUS